
How To Add Related Task To Existing Task In Tfs

VSTS/TFS plugin


  • Release 6.ane.0 or later
  • If you lot are using Release version viii.5.0 or subsequently, you must utilise the Release VSTS/TFS plugin version 8.five.0.
  • Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) or Squad Foundation Server 2015

Supported VSTS/TFS operations

Piece of work item operations:

  • Create new work item
  • Call back work item
  • Update work particular
  • Update piece of work items by Query
  • Query work items

Build operations:

  • Tag a build
  • Queue new build


  • Git commit trigger
  • TFVC change-ready trigger

Supported authentication types

VSTS/TFS versions Hallmark
TFS 2015 Basic and NTLM authentication types
TFS 2017 Basic, NTLM, and PAT authentication types
VSTS PAT authentication type
Azure Devops Services PAT hallmark type

For more than information, see Cosign admission with personal admission tokens for VSTS and TFS.

Set up a VSTS/TFS server

To gear up a connectedness to a VSTS service or your TFS collection:

  1. In Release, go to Settings > Shared configuration and, under the TFS Server, click Add server.
  2. Specify a proper name for this connection.
  3. The drove URL field must be ready to the full URL pointing to your TFS collection (for example: http://my.tfs.address:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection). Make sure that the collection proper name is included. For VSTS, insert the URL of your account (for example:
  4. Select the Azure Devops Services checkbox if deject offer is used.
  5. Select the authentication type. For:

    • Basic: Consummate the username and countersign fields.
    • NTLM: You lot must besides specify your domain name in the Domain field.
    • PAT: Skip the username field and, in the password field, prepare your personal admission token.
  6. If your Release server is using a proxy, specify the necessary values.

Using the work item management tasks

The work item management tasks allow you to perform several operations with piece of work items on VSTS/TFS such as creating new work items, updating existing work items, and retrieving or querying piece of work items.

Create a piece of work item task

This task creates whatsoever blazon of VSTS/TFS work item. The following input properties are available:

  • Server: The VSTS/TFS instance to exist used
  • Team Project Name: The name of the project where the work item will exist created
  • Work Item Type: The type of work particular (Examples: Bug, Product Excess Item)
  • Work Item title: The title of the piece of work item
  • Tags: Work particular tags
  • Fields: Additional fields that should be modified. Each work item in VSTS/TFS is based on multiple fields. Custom fields tin can be added by a custom work detail process template (Standard field examples: "Organisation.AreaPath", "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority"). Each of the bachelor fields tin be modified by specifying the field name equally a key and the desired value as a value in the fields map. For more information, meet Piece of work particular field index.

Output properties:

  • Work Detail ID: The ID of the new work item

Add work item

Retrieve a work item task

This job retrieves any specified piece of work particular and returns all of its fields. To manipulate the output property, use the Script Task or the Release Variable Manipulation Customs Plugin.

The following backdrop are available:

  • Server: The VSTS/TFS instance to be used
  • Work Item ID: The ID of the work item that you want to retrieve

Output properties:

  • Fields: All of the retrieved fields of the piece of work item

Retrieve work item

Query piece of work items

This task allows you to think multiple work items IDs past specifying a WIQL query. For more details about the WIQL, run across Syntax for the Work Particular Query Language (WIQL).

To customize the output properties, utilise the Script Chore or the Release Variable Manipulation Community Plugin.

The following input properties are available:

  • Server: The VSTS/TFS instance to exist used
  • Query: Specify a query written in WIQL language

Output properties:

  • Retrieved IDs: Listing of work item IDs that are retrieved by the query

Query work item

Build operations tasks

Queue new build task

The Queue new build task allows y'all to queue a build on your VSTS/TFS server.

These input properties are available:

  • Server: The VSTS/TFS case to be used
  • Team Project Name: The name of the projection where the build definition is set
  • Build definition name: The name of the build definition from which you want to trigger a build

Output backdrop:

  • Build ID: Unique identifier of the build run
  • Build Number: The assigned value from the build engine based on the build number format selection in your build definition
  • Build Result: Build run upshot

Queue new build

Note: If the queued build fails, the task volition also fail.

Tag a build chore

The tag a build task allows you do add one or more tags on your build.

The post-obit input properties are available:

  • Server: The VSTS/TFS case to be used
  • Team Project Proper name: The name of the project where the build definition is set
  • Build ID: The ID of the build where to apply the tag(due south)
  • Tags: A list of strings that are added to the build as tags

Add tag build

Using Triggers

The git commit trigger

If you lot want your release to be created and started by a commit in a VSTS/TFS Git repository, yous can setup this trigger.

The post-obit input properties are available:

  • Server: The VSTS/TFS case to exist used
  • Project: The name of the project where the Git repository is created
  • Repository: The name of the Git repository
  • Co-operative: The branch that should be monitored for the changes

Git commit trigger

The TFVC changeset trigger

If you desire your release to be created and started by a new changeset in a TFVC repository, you must setup this trigger.

The following input backdrop are available:

  • Server: The VSTS/TFS instance to exist used
  • Project: The name of the projection where the associated TFVC repository should be monitored

TFVC trigger

Release notes

Version 10.2.0

Bug fixes

  • [ENG-5627] - TFS - Build version missing values

Version 10.1.0

Uniform with XL Release x.1.10

Version 9.6.0

Compatible with Twoscore Release 9.6.10

Version 9.5.0


  • [XLINT-842] Add together parameters to Release VSTS Query Build

Version 8.v.0


  • New tasks added: Get Work Items by Managed Query, Update Piece of work Items Past Managed Query, Create Release, Expect for release, Kickoff Deployment In Release, Approve Deployment In Release
  • Added possibility for each task to override the username and password of the shared configuration element.


  • The Update Work Items Past Query task was updated. In the viii.v.0 version, you tin can specify any of the common fields of the retrieved work items to update through the introduced fields property.

How To Add Related Task To Existing Task In Tfs,


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